Find a Private swimming Coach in Mariposa

The Best Private swimming Coaches in Mariposa for Individual, Group, or Team Lessons

Gene and Elaine Williams, both college sports alumni and dedicated private coaches, founded Athletes Untapped to connect families with trusted private trainers for one-on-one coaching. After enjoying years of coaching themselves, they realized a tool to help coaches scale—like Airbnb for rentals—was missing. Drawing on their passion for sports and tech, they launched AU to fill that gap. Their goal is to help millions of young athletes thrive by providing easy access to impactful coaching that shapes not just skills but also future opportunities.

Swim Training - Technique, Stroke Improvement, and Fitness

To succeed in swimming, proper training can make all the difference. That’s why Athletes Untapped private swim coaches provide personalized feedback to help athletes adjust their form, breathing, and timing. For athletes looking to improve their performance, our coaches will help them refine movements - leading to more efficient and powerful strokes. By dedicating time to the details in private or group lessons, swimmers can boost their overall performance, build confidence, and truly enjoy their time in the pool.

Vetted and Trusted swimming Trainers in Mariposa

Our AU coaches are at the top of their game, with extensive experience and a genuine love for mentoring athletes. They understand the challenges players encounter and offer tailored guidance to overcome them. By focusing on technical improvement, mental strength, and confidence, they help pave the way for your success.